These terms and conditions apply to all trade with IntelliFinder A/S unless otherwise agreed in writing.
January 2025
The ownership of the delivered goods remain with IntelliFinder A/S until the full payment has been made.
IntelliFinder A/S has no liability for any consequential damages and/or direct or indirect operating losses that may arise in connection with the use of the delivered or which may be due to a possible delay in delivery.
If IntelliFinder A/S exclusively delivers software or hardware, this is without installation or instruction, unless otherwise explicitly agreed.
If, at the time of delivery, Customer is in arrears with payment, IntelliFinder A/S is entitled to postpone delivery. Any arrearage with payment entitles IntelliFinder A/S to terminate the agreement and demand compensation.
The customer is obliged to receive the item for the agreed delivery time. If the delivery time is postponed due to Customer’s circumstances, the full risk to the Customer will exceed the agreed delivery time.
If the Customer postpones one or more times due date, IntelliFinder A/S is entitled to demand all subsequent deadlines postponed with the corresponding number of working days. Payments are deferred accordingly.
If a delivery is delayed due to circumstances that IntelliFinder A/S has no influence on, for example strikes, lockouts, shipping disturbances and delays from IntelliFinder A/S subcontractors or other force majeure, the agreed delivery terms are deferred without the Customer being entitled. to cancel the agreement or demand compensation with the same number of days as such an obstacle has passed.
If the exceedance of an agreed takeover date exceeds 30 working days (Monday-Friday) due to the relationship of the customer, the customer will be liable for all additional costs incurred by of IntelliFinder A/S in this context.
Software and hardware are always invoiced separately for delivery, regardless of whether IntelliFinder A/S will subsequently install, instruct or train. The shipping and shipping costs are invoiced.
Consultancy assistance, including instruction, is invoiced immediately after this is done and according to the current price list.
In the case of major projects, IntelliFinder A/S has the right to invoice the Customer. However, this will typically be regulated through a separate agreement.
Unless otherwise agreed, payment will be paid in cash. If the payment due date is exceeded, 1.5% will be calculated in interest on the payment amount per commenced month.
If the customer is in default of payment, IntelliFinder A /A is entitled to terminate agreements with immediate effect and claim its loss and to postpone the fulfilment of other obligations under agreements entered until the balance is corrected. IntelliFinder A/S may in this situation require security for the customer’s fulfilment of its future obligations.
All prices are quoted, unless otherwise stated, excluding taxes and other charges.
For assistance abroad, the customer will cover all expenses relating to transportation, hotel accommodation, catering, travel insurance, vaccinations, etc.
The customer is obliged to examine the goods immediately after receipt.
In the case of programs, adaptions and other installation, the customer is obliged to test the delivered within the same deadline. If, based on the test, the customer finds a complaint, he shall immediately inform IntelliFinder A/S being aware of the relationship.
Faulty hardware must be returned in original packaging.
Unless otherwise agreed, the customer undertakes to:
– install and configure software and hardware,
– convert any data,
– train own employees in the use of the systems, and
– provide the necessary resources for project implementation.
IntelliFinder A/S does not provide any additional warranty than the supplier of IntelliFinder A/S.
Specifically, IntelliFinder A/S or its suppliers typically provide no warranty on software.
If the customer, without the consent of IntelliFinder A/S, grants other than IntelliFinder A/S, or any of these designated third parties, changes to software that significantly influences the system’s proper functions, IntelliFinder A/S is entitled to claim in the future exempt from any obligation in relation to the part of the deliver which has been amended, including remedies for defects and maintenance..
Any right in connection with software development and customization is provided to IntelliFinder A/S, including rights to the developed such as program codes and other developed functionality.
The customer may transfer all rights and obligations to third parties only with the written consent of IntelliFinder A/S and upon payment.
IntelliFinder A/S’ personnel shall observe unconditional silence against unauthorized persons in regard to information regarding the customer or others relationship as it becomes known in connection with the deliveries provided for in this contract, services, etc.
Similarly, the customer and consultants working for this have a duty of confidentiality regarding information about IntelliFinder A/S’s relationship.
its own backups and use of the application of the program in conjunction with third parties may not take place.
Upgrade and support agreements run for a year at a time and are automatically renewed each year. The agreement can be terminated within 3 months’ notice until the expiration of the agreement.
All disputes between the customer and IntelliFinder A/S shall be settled by Danish law in the ordinary courts. The parties have agreed to the court in Odense as a venue.
© 2025 by IntelliFinder A/S